
Babies on Board!

It's been quite awhile since I've posted because I've been hiding fantastic, incredible, amazing news.

I'm pregnant!  Not just a little pregnant but pregnant with TWINS!!!!

After beta numbers that were perfectly average and on target for a singleton pregnancy, Andrew and I were amazed to see that both of the embryos from our Frozen Embryo Transfer stuck.  The picture above is from 7weeks0days.  I've since had another ultrasound and the twins continue to look right on track with perfect little heartbeats.  I cried so hard when I first saw them, the u/s tech had to ask me to hold my breath so she could get the measurements.  She told us that she had a 20 year-old IVF baby and that seeing our excitement made her day.

Andrew and I never imagined more than three years ago when we decided to start a family that we would travel the winding and dark road that we found ourselves on.  While I would never wish what we have been through on anyone, I must admit that I have learned many lessons along the way.  The Mrs. Mroch that is due April 11, 2013 is more patient, more persistent and more hopeful than the Mrs. Mroch that wanted to have a baby in April, 2010 because it was a good maternity leave for a teacher.

We are now Facebook official.  I have to admit, it terrified me to openly tell people.  I still have the infertile mind that is much more accustomed to bad news than to good.  I have another appointment this Friday and will hopefully get to hear both heartbeats on the doppler.  I will keep most pregnancy updates here rather than on Facebook because I know how it feels to see every detail of someone else's pregnancy in my news feed and I won't do that to the friends that I know are struggling.

Elsie Louise Mroch

Elsie Louise Mroch
the puppy who changed my mind