It's me again. Nine months later. I'm having a bit of a blogger identity crisis. This blog has gone from home ideas to infertility journal to expectant mother and NICU mom without much thought for long-term planning. I know I have it in me to be a regular blogger, I just haven't figured out how to make it happen. My MIL recently pointed out that some of the IF blogs she'd followed had dropped off of the face of the earth after they got pregnant and I realized that I am guilty of the same thing. There are a few of you who were reading along, cheering for me and I left you out of the loop once the babies arrived.
L&LA are now ten months old and amazingly, perfectly happy. They have been home from the NICU for over eight months. They came home free of cords, monitors and specialists. What a miracle!
Our Christmas Card Photo
I'm going to spend some time considering the future of my blog. If I'm going to be serious about maintaining and expanding (i.e. finding some readers) or if I'm too
busy lazy to keep it going.
I did the same thing. Vanished from the blogging world. And for no good reason, really. My blog also had an identity crisis.